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The competing photographers

Stefania Piccioni

Stefania Piccioni was born into an artistic family in 1970 in Ascoli Piceno In 1989 she completed her studies in applied art, section "Artistic Photography" at the Art Institute in Ascoli Piceno.
As a professional photographer, she made wedding photographs, portraits and still-life for the advertising sector. She is currently working as a freelancer.
Stefania participated in numerous international competitions for group exhibitions in Italy and exhibited in galleries and private museums. For Art Hotel, she organized her own exhibition, “Le Still Lives”, curated by Giorgio Bonomi in 2019.
Her photographs can be found in public and private collections and are published in specialized magazines.


Down the Sassolungo

Smartphones, tablets, cameras




At the lakeside


The engaged

Mt. Sella

A break

Light rain

Towards the refuge

Le déjeuner

Semi- submerged

Two on the roadside

Sight seeing

In line by three

The tour Roda di Vaèl

Gianni, the clouds and the panorama

On the ridge